Anna in Wonderland

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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Practical Ways to Help in the Refugee Crisis

Although my blog is largely based on beauty and other such fun things and I try not to be political, I see human rights as something completely apart from politics. I know many people disagree with allowing refugees into their borders, or try to paint them as terrorists or that they're all in ISIS (they're running from ISIS, FYI), but I can't stand by and allow my readers to be uninformed on ways they can help if they so desire. As humans, let's make our time on this crazy whirling planet a little more tolerable and not let people suffer needlessly.

If you're a bit confused on the situation, here are some great reads/watches:
A 13-year old boy makes a plea to the world.
Europe's refugee crisis explained
We broke down everything you should know about the refugee crisis--and why it matters

Like myself, I'm sure many of you feel incredibly helpless and heartbroken over what is happening and the callousness of many people (and many of our governments). But there are things we can do if we all gather together and maybe relieve their suffering a little bit. And we can all pressure our governments to do more in our own countries.

Time Out's Refugees: Seven Ways Londoners Can Help
Five Practical Ways You Can Help Refugees
Here's How You Can Help During the Refugee Crisis on Europe

If you have any suggestions for your things you can do in your own countries, I will repost them on my social media.

I hope this post made sense. I am just a but emotional over it all!

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  1. Claire Louise SheridanSeptember 9, 2015 at 12:18 PM

    I wrote out a big comment and it deleted it. Silly Gmail :')

    Basically, I loved this post as I think it's something we need to be made aware of. We have to take a step back and see the humanity of people in a desperate situation like this.

    I think there are collections being done to take to places like Calais. Might be worth looking in your local area? Thanks for raising awareness as I think it all helps in a small way :)


    1. Definitely! There are collections all over the UK so it is important to know where. xx

  • Claire Louise SheridanSeptember 9, 2015 at 12:18 PM

    I wrote out a big comment and it deleted it. Silly Gmail :')

    Basically, I loved this post as I think it's something we need to be made aware of. We have to take a step back and see the humanity of people in a desperate situation like this.

    I think there are collections being done to take to places like Calais. Might be worth looking in your local area? Thanks for raising awareness as I think it all helps in a small way :)


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